Sometimes when there is a truly large event to be held you need a truly large space. Something that dwarfs a mere banquet hall and something that is even bigger than the neighborhood park.
For the biggest events, you need the biggest venue around, and in Galveston that means Pier 21.
Here’s a quick look at what makes it the ideal venue for large outdoor events.
1. Plenty of Space
Pier 21 is probably the only venue offered by Mitchell Historic Properties that doesn’t have square footage listed because past a certain point the numbers get a little ridiculous. It’s safe to say it is the largest of any outdoor Galveston rental venue.
2. Did We Mention the Pier is a Pier?
Stretching out into the water, home to numerous maritime businesses, it’s still very much a functioning pier, albeit on a somewhat reduced scale from its original level of activity.
3. History on Deck
Pier 21 is not only one of the many historic properties in Galveston; it also has the largest concentration of history-related activities in town. Between a fully restored “Tall Ship,” the Texas Seaport Museum, the Ocean Star Oil Rig Museum and the Pier 21 Theater playing documentaries on the city’s history, you can’t help but be immersed in the rich past of Galveston.
4. Plenty of Meal Options
There are a number of great restaurants and cafes present on the pier that can allow event guests the chance to rest and recharge.
5. A Chance To Sack Out
If you’re planning on running an event that occupies not only a lot of space but also a lot of time (say a weekend full of activities), you and your guests are going to need a place to sleep. Luckily, the Harbor House Hotel is close by to accommodate event guests who need a comfy bed and a good breakfast.
6. Right On The Water
Other locations in Galveston might have loftier views of the Gulf, but none of them have a view that is so immediate. When you’re right over the water at the end of the pier, it’s a view you simply can’t experience from other vantages.
Mitchell Historic Properties
These are just some of the high points of the many features that Pier 21 offers as a Galveston event venue. If you’ve got a really big event in the works, get in touch with Mitchell Historic Properties today to see how well it will fit.